Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Juvenile Prostitution Crimes Essay - 1076 Words

Juvenile prostitution could be define as the time in which a teenage under the age of 18 engage in sexual activities in exchange of money, property, or for mainly other reason than satisfy one emotional or sexual needs. When we think of juvenile prostitution we usually think that these grills sell their self for pleasure or because they want to but, the reality is that this crime is escalating to a level that our teenagers are becoming like slave in the 2009 this crime is getting worst and our community is not concern that this people are usually tacking our teenagers to prostitute them. Back in the century like in the 1800’s, juvenile prostitution was legally and sociable accepted but this change with the Mann ACT law in the 1910,†¦show more content†¦These youth rarely have the chance to experience the simple joy of being teenagers. They often suffer pain, humiliation and degradation in the hands of their pimps and costumers. Pimps are the men or women ho rape or t ake the illegal custody of these kids to sell them in the world of prostitution. Costumers or you could said the consumers are usually reach people (politics), gangs and sometime just regular mans from the community who don’t care about the suffering of this youth but to satisfy their own sexual need. The effect of juvenile prostitution in our society is getting worst and victims of juvenile prostitution will often abuse their own children, which is way juvenile prostitution has risen to such an unbelievable level. These teenagers don’t only go true all these troubles they are often expose to sexually transmitted disease and unwanted pregnancies. But their customers are also in the risk of getting any viral disease and then transmitted to their wife and in many cases to their children which will propagate all this virus disease to the community. Juvenile prostitution is often most of the time not voluntary and is accompanied by fear, hunger, and many more circumstance. For other youth prostitution is the only way of making money quickly. This is the brain wash that they resive at the bigining that they are recruited by women’s who are prostitutes and are in charge by their pimps toShow MoreRelatedThe Harmful Effects of Juvenile Prostitution Essay1749 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile prostitution is a great problem and not many people are aware of it. In some cases juvenile prostitution start as a voluntary act but in other cases there are grills ho are being kidnap just with the purpose of selling them for sex. I personally pick to inform you about juvenile prostitution because I am interested in making a difference in our teenager’s world I want them to walk freely on the street. 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